Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Chinese Police Raid Underground Christian Newspapers

On March 26, Chinese police raided the offices of two underground Christian newspapers, A Kernel of Wheat and A Foreign Land, seizing four important employees. These newspapers are part of the House Church movement, a group of 40 million Chinese who practice Christianity in private because the government doesn't approve of their religious practices. The House Church movement is comprised of an underground network of Christians who meet in private homes for worship. Chinese Christians have been forced into this set-up because the Chinese government disallows Christians to register larger spaces for worship and repeatedly cracks down on open-air gatherings. The political atmosphere is tense in China at the moment, and so is the religious atmosphere if Christians are being prevented from practicing and Christian newspapers are being persecuted.

I had no idea that the Chinese government was intolerant of Christianity. The intolerance seems to be increasing the tension in a nation that's already feeling stressed. As I mentioned in my last blog, I'm a strong believer in religious tolerance.


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